One stick of this delicious jelly is the size of one pomegranate!
Pomegranate properties:
- has a beneficial effect on the blood, enriches with microelements, vitamins and glucose, cleanses from free radicals and cholesterol plaques;
- improves hematopoietic function and increases hemoglobin levels;
- contributes to the prevention of cancer, especially the prostate, so the drink is recommended for men;
- increases the secretion of glands, improves appetite, helps with diarrhea and has a diuretic effect;
- pectin, tannin and folacin can minimize inflammation in the stomach;
- strengthens the protective functions and enhances the body's resistance;
- is the prevention of respiratory and viral infections;
- recommended for hypertensive patients;
- perfectly normalizes blood pressure, strengthens the heart and is the prevention of cardiovascular diseases.